Results for 'Chiku Watchman Malunga'

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  1.  22
    Understanding Organizational Leadership Through Ubuntu / by Chiku Malunga.Chiku Watchman Malunga - 2009 - Adonis & Abbey Publishers.
    Understanding Organizational Leadership through Ubuntu offers a creative, innovative and holistic approach to understanding organizational leadership using the principles embodied in the African philosophy of personhood known as ubuntu - or the essence of being human. Using African proverbs, folktales and indigenous concepts, the book discusses the organizational principles of ubuntu and the leadership lessons that modern organizations can learn from these principles. The principles include sharing and collective ownership of opportunities, responsibilities and challenges, the importance of people and relationships (...)
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    Animal Farm Prophecy Fulfilled in Africa: A Call to a Values and Systems Revolution.Chiku Watchman Malunga - 2014 - Upa.
    "Animal Farm" Prophecy Fulfilled in Africa discusses why deep levels of poverty and suffering persist in Africa despite all the successive regime changes over the last half century. The author discusses how lasting improvements will only occur when the systems, rather than only the individuals, are changed or replaced.
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    Power and Influence: Self-Development Lessons From African Proverbs and Folktales.Chiku Malunga - 2012 - Upa.
    This book demonstrates how the indigenous wisdom contained in African proverbs and folktales can be used to enhance modern life. The timeless wisdom enriches the understanding of self-development and positive influence, contributing towards the much-needed, cross-cultural dialogue among individuals, organizations, and societies in this increasingly diversified world.
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  4. Archaeology of white hand stencils of the Laura region, North Queensland (Australia).N. Cole & A. Watchman - 1996 - Techne 3:82-90.
  5. Meika monjinrokushū.Isoo Munemasa, Ikuo Tajihi, Kien Minagawa & Shōchiku Shinozaki (eds.) - 1981 - Tōkyō: seisaku hatsubai Yagi Shoten.
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  6. The Watchman.C. Edward Hopkin - 1960
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    Hakai to kōchiku: Haidegā tetsugaku no futatsu no isō = Destruktion und Konstruktion: Zwei Aspekte der Philosophie Heideggers.Shunsuke Kadowaki - 2010 - Tōkyō-to Bunkyō-ku: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai.
    英語圏の分析哲学、認知科学、テクノロジー論などに対して、ハイデガーの哲学はどのような現代的意義をもつのか。伝統的な形而上学の言語圏からの「破壊」的な離脱と、新しいボキャブラリーの創出による「構築」的な 思考―この二つの位相に焦点をあてることで、ハイデガーの存在論を明瞭に描き出す。人間科学と哲学的常識に対するハイデガーの革新性をとらえた一作。.
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    Meta baioeshikkusu no kōchiku e: seimei rinri o toinaosu.Yoshihiko Komatsu & Chiaki Kagawa (eds.) - 2010 - Tōkyō: NTT Shuppan.
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  9. Nishida tetsugaku no saikōchiku: sono seiritsu katei to hikaku shisō.Yō Hirayama - 1997 - Kyōto-shi: Mineruva Shobō.
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  10. Genshōgaku no saikōchiku (Die Rekonstruktion der Phänomenologie).Isamu Miyahara - 1988 - Tōkyō: Risōsha.
    1. Menschliches Wesen und die transzendentale Frage 1.1 Notwendigkeit der transzendentalen Frage, 1.2 Gegen die Ent-Transzendentalization, 1.3 Apperzeption als Auslegung 1.4 Transzendentales Apriori, 1.5 Apperzeption als Selbstbewußtsein, 1.6 Freies Subjekt und seine "Tranzendenz"-Struktur, 1.7 Die transzendentale Struktur des Daseins 2. Phänomenologie und Sprachanalytische Philosophie 2.1 Die Struktur des prädikativen Satzes und die Intentionalität, 2.1.1 Was ist die Intentionalität?, 2.1.1 Intentionalität- Kritik aus der Sprachanalyse, 2.1.3 Ein Versuch der Gegenkritik 2.2 Noema und Sinn, 2.2.1 Neue Entwicklung der Husserl-Interpretationen, 2.2.2 Frege's Sinn (...)
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    The Influence of Childhood Training on the Adulthood Rejection of Discrimination in Go Set a Watchman.Faeze Rezazade & Esmaeil Zohdi - 2017 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 76:15-24.
    Publication date: 30 March 2017 Source: Author: Faeze Rezazade, Esmaeil Zohdi Racial prejudice, injustice, and discrimination against people of colored skin, especially African Americans, has become a global issue since the twenty century. Blacks are deprived of their rights regardless of their human natures and are disenfranchised from White’s societies due to their skin color which has put them as inferior and clownish creatures in White’s point of view. Although many anti-racist effort and speeches has done to solve racist issues (...)
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  12. Robson, Peter, and Watchman, Paul, eds., "Justice, Lord Denning and the Constitution". [REVIEW]Eric M. Uslaner - 1982 - Ethics 93:205.
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  13. Peter Robson and Paul Watchman, eds., Justice: Lord Denning and the Constitution Reviewed by. [REVIEW]W. J. Waluchow - 1982 - Philosophy in Review 2 (6):294-296.
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  14. Senmonchi to kōkyōsei: kagaku gijutsu shakairon no kōchiku e mukete.Yūko Fujigaki - 2003 - Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai.
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  15. Keizaigaku to shizen tetsugaku: jinrui sedai no eizoku to shizen to bunka no tame no Marukusu shugi chidairon no kōchiku o mezashite.Masami Fukutomi - 1989 - Tōkyō: Sekai Shoin.
  16. Nishida tetsugaku no datsu kōchiku.Yūjirō Nakamura - 1987 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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    A Literary Review: A Rhetorical Experiment or 'Watchman, Hallo!'.Begonya Sáez Tajafuerce - 1999 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 1999 (1):50-70.
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    Nine passages of aeschylus, agamemnon.Oliver Thomas - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (2):491-500.
    The Watchman's bed is not ‘supervised’ by dreams; instead, fear ‘stands in attendance’. The images are medical. He is ill; dream-filled sleep would be a good doctor, but the bad doctor fear is already on the job, preventing him from sleeping well.
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  19. Belief in character studies.Devin Sanchez Curry - 2022 - American Philosophical Quarterly 59 (1):27-42.
    In Go Set a Watchman, Harper Lee reveals that American man of integrity Atticus Finch harbors deep-seated racist beliefs. Bob Ewell, Finch's nemesis in To Kill a Mockingbird, harbors the same beliefs. But the two men live out their shared racist beliefs in dramatically different fashions. This article argues that extant dispositionalist accounts of belief lack the tools to accommodate Finch and Ewell's divergent styles of believing. It then draws on literary and philosophical character studies to construct the required (...)
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  20. Side constraints.Robert Nozick - 1988 - In Samuel Scheffler (ed.), Consequentialism and its critics. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The night-watchman state of classical liberal theory, limited to the functions of protecting all its citizens against violence, theft, and fraud, and to the enforcement of contracts, and so on, appears to be redistributive.1 We can imagine at least one social arrangement intermediate between the scheme of private protective associations and the night-watchman state. Since the nightwatchman state is often called a minimal state, we shall call this other arrangement the ultraminimal state. An ultraminimal state maintains a monopoly (...)
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  21. Side constraints.Robert Nozick - 1988 - In Samuel Scheffler (ed.), Consequentialism and its critics. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The night-watchman state of classical liberal theory, limited to the functions of protecting all its citizens against violence, theft, and fraud, and to the enforcement of contracts, and so on, appears to be redistributive.1 We can imagine at least one social arrangement intermediate between the scheme of private protective associations and the night-watchman state. Since the nightwatchman state is often called a minimal state, we shall call this other arrangement the ultraminimal state. An ultraminimal state maintains a monopoly (...)
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  22. Gender, Metaphor and the State.Marian Sawer - 1996 - Feminist Review 52 (1):118-134.
    The neo-liberal upsurge of the last twenty years and the neo-liberal case against the welfare state has gained much of its emotional force from a sub-text which is highly gendered. Whereas social liberalism had contained the promise of more autonomy within the private sphere and more caring values in the public sphere, neo-liberalism depicts the results of social liberalism as a loss of self reliance – through ‘over-protection’ by the state in the public sphere and usurpation of male roles in (...)
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  23.  16
    Pursuing justice in Africa: competing imaginaries and contested practices.Jessica Johnson & George Hamandishe Karekwaivanane (eds.) - 2018 - Athens: Ohio University Press.
    Pursuing Justice in Africa focuses on the many actors pursuing many visions of justice across the African continent--their aspirations, divergent practices, and articulations of international and vernacular idioms of justice. The essays selected by editors Jessica Johnson and George H. Karekwaivanane engage with topics at the cutting edge of contemporary scholarship across a wide range of disciplines. These include activism, land tenure, international legal institutions, and post-conflict reconciliation. Building on recent work in sociolegal studies that foregrounds justice over and above (...)
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  24. (1 other version)Business ethics and the origins of contemporary capitalism: Economics and ethics in the work of Adam Smith and Herbert Spencer. [REVIEW]Patricia H. Werhane - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 24 (3):185 - 198.
    Both Adam Smith and Herbert spencer, albeit in quite different ways, have been enormously influential in what we today take to be philosophies of modern capitalism. Surprisingly it is Spencer, not Smith, who is the individualist, perhaps an egoist, and supports a "night watchman" theory of the state. Smith's concept of political economy is a notion that needs to be revisited, and Spencer's theory of democratic workplace management offers a refreshing twist on contemporary libertarianism.
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    (1 other version)Libertas Philosophandi as Freedom to Be Human - Government and Freedom in Spinoza’s Political Work.Francesca di Poppa - 2023 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 11 (2):117-143.
    In this paper, I will argue that Spinoza’s notion of libertas philosophandi in Theological Political Treatise2 is best interpreted as freedom of expression, in the metaphysical sense of expression found in Ethics I. This reading helps understand the role of the Spinozan state in protecting such freedom. Ethics argues that human nature is embodied thought, and its freedom is found both in rational and irreducibly imaginary cognition: imagination is knowledge, and, as such, it is a fundamental aspect of human expression. (...)
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    The Cautionary Ontological Approach To Technology of Gabriel Marcel.Bernard A. Gendreau - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 39:1-12.
    I present the arguments of Gabriel Marcel which are intended to overcome the potentially negative impact of technology on the human. Marcel is concerned with forgetting or rejecting human nature. His perspective is metaphysical. He is concerned with the attitude of the "mere technician" who is so immersed in technology that the values which promote him as an authentic person with human dignity are discredited, omitted, denied, minimized, overshadowed, or displaced. He reviews the various losses in ontological values which curtail (...)
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    Biblical Iambics for the American Bicentennial.Paul Lehmann - 1976 - Interpretation 30 (1):60-68.
    “Unless the Lord builds the house,its builders will have toiled in vain.Unless the Lord keeps watch over a city,in vain the watchman stands on guard.”.
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    The Withering of Nozick’s Minimal State.Jeffery E. Paul - 1979 - Philosophy Research Archives 5:275-285.
    Robert Nozick has attempted to demonstrate that a state can emerge from anarchy which will be legitimate, in that it acquires power in morally permissible (i.e., non rights violating) ways. Its monopoly on force and apparent redistribution of holdings are, according to Nozick, justified by the steps required to prevent risky behavior by the dominant agency. These steps, I argue, contravene Nozick's own entitlement principles and so, his dominant agency is not warranted in taking them. This leaves Nozick "stranded" within (...)
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    Un enfoque no-clásico de varias antinomias deónticas.Lorenzo Peña - 1987 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 3 (1-2):67-94.
    Three (apparent ) deontic antinomies are discussed: the paradoxes of the watchman and the praiser, as weIl as deontic dilemmas. A paraconsistent deontic logic, Ad, is put forward whose underlying 1st-order calculus is an infinite-valued tensorial logic. Several arguments are offered bearing out be existence of deontic contradictions, while two ways of dealing with conditional obligation paradoxes within the framework of Ad are canvassed. While the aggregation rule and the ought-implies-can principle are upheld, sundry schemata are shown not to (...)
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    Γυναɩκòς ἀνδρόβουλον ἐλπίζον κέαρ.W. Bedell Stanford - 1937 - Classical Quarterly 31 (2):92-93.
    Most critics agree with varying emphasis that this is one of the most significant lines in the Watchman's speech, because of its emphasis on Clytaemnestra's unique masculinity. But the same interpreters widely disagree in deciding what exactly was her most masculine trait. In other words the meaning of the –βουλον part of the compound is in dispute. Here are some English renderings: ‘whose will is as a man's’ ; ‘manly’ ; ‘with man's resolve’ ; ‘into the council of men’ (...)
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    Darkness from Light: The Beacon Fire in the Agamemnon.Stephen V. Tracy - 1986 - Classical Quarterly 36 (01):257-.
    The fire beacon in the opening scenes of the Agamemnon commands attention and creates the positive image of light from darkness. In the immediate context the light of the beacon relieves the watchman of his toil and brings joy to Argos. The image, however, is not totally positive. The fire signal announces both the fall of Troy and the return of Agamemnon to Clytemnestra. The negative aspect, furthermore, is emphasised at the opening — the watchman's joy at seeing (...)
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    Ethics and action theory on refraining: A familiar refrain in two parts. [REVIEW]Patricia G. Smith - 1986 - Journal of Value Inquiry 20 (1):3-17.
    We can see from the analysis set out here that the two accounts that were the focus of consideration are complementary to one another. It has been my contention that a problem like specifying a concept such as ‘refrain’ is highly complex. One part of it is the problem of determining the relation between the action (or event) and the result. Another part of the problem is that of describing the event itself; what kind of an event is it? These (...)
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  33. (1 other version)Freedom and the State: Nanny or Nightwatchman?Philip Pettit - 2015 - Public Health 129 (8):1055-1060.
    There are two rival images often offered of the state. In one the state serves like a nanny to provide for the welfare of its members; in the other it requires people to look after themselves, providing only the service of a night-watchman. But this dichotomy, which is routinely invoked in debates about public health and welfare provision in general, is misleading. What the rival images turn on is not competing pictures of how the state should function in people's (...)
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  34. Gabriel Marcel’s Politics.Thomas A. Michaud - 2006 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 80 (3):435-455.
    Gabriel Marcel is not typically read as a political theorist and social commentator. He never wrote a treatise devoted specifically to a systematic treatmentof politics. His writings, nevertheless, abound in political theorizing and social analysis. This study articulates Marcel’s socio-political thought, explicating itscoherence with his overall concrete philosophy and with his personal engagement in political events of his time. It develops through three themes. The first details Marcel’s particular approach to sociopolitical thought as a “watchman.” The second shows why (...)
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    Między dobrem a jednością: związek dobra i jedna w filozofii Platona, Starej Akademii i Arystotelesa.Artur Pacewicz - 2004 - Wrocław: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.
    The aim of the work is to preent the connection between the conception of One - έν and the Good - τάγαθόν in Plato's late writings , in the fragments of writings of the members of the First Plato Academy: Philip of Opus , Eudoxos of Knidos, Speusippus, Xenocrates and the chosen Aristotle's writings . In the analysis of the texts all the derivatives of the conception of One and the Good are taken into account. As a research hypothesis the (...)
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    Book Review: Critical Essays on Samuel Taylor Coleridge. [REVIEW]William E. Cain - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (1):151-152.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Critical Essays on Samuel Taylor ColeridgeWilliam E. CainCritical Essays on Samuel Taylor Coleridge, edited by Leonard Orr; vi & 194 pp. New York: Twayne, 1994, $42.00.“Coleridge, as you doubtless hear, is gone,” wrote Thomas Carlyle, August 12, 1834, to Ralph Waldo Emerson: “How great a Possibility, how small a realized Result.” There is now a huge Coleridge industry in the academy, engaged in producing editions of his writings (...)
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    (1 other version)Hermann Weyl's Raum‐Zeit‐Materie and a General Introduction to His Scientific Work. [REVIEW]David Rowe - 2002 - Isis 93:326-327.
    In the range of his intellectual interests and the profundity of his mathematical thought Hermann Weyl towered above his contemporaries, many of whom viewed him with awe. This volume, the most ambitious study to date of Weyl's singular contributions to mathematics, physics, and philosophy, looks at the man and his work from a variety of perspectives, though its gaze remains fairly steadily fixed on Weyl the geometer and space‐time theorist. Structurally, the book falls into two parts, described in the general (...)
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